U.S. Navy - 9 Years
2005 - 2010 Active Duty
2010 - 2014 Reservist

"I wish I had paid more attention when they stressed the importance of networking."

This is the story of Amanda LaLonde. After serving 9 years in the U.S. Navy, she found herself pulled out earlier than expected. Even after the initial 5 as an active-duty sailor, she tried to cling onto what she could in the 4 years in the reserves, but even that didn't last. Following her discharge, she tried to still do what she could as a full-time mother with her husband still serving. She tried spending time with the other military spouses. It wasn't the same. After all the time of trying to find similar social groups, it wasn't until she embraced a life of service. At that time is when she found comfort, helping other veterans at Syracuse University. She also found solace participating in athletic activities such as Ju Jitsu. Hear the full story here...

Amanda Lalonde
This is interactive, you can move it around!
This medal represents one of many honors Amanda received while participating in Martial Arts, an activity that has helped foster a regiment similar to that which she was accustomed to while in the service.